ADCS DFIR Forensic ESC1-7 attacks

Reading Time: 2 minutesSummary While there isn’t anything necessarily inherently insecure about AD CS (except for ESC8 as detailed below), it is surprisingly easy to misconfigure its various elements, resulting in ways for unelevated users to escalate in the...

IOCTL demistified

Reading Time: 5 minutesThis article is more of a my own notes and it may profit to others. This is a DRAFT for the moment. Recently, I followed a course on developement on Offensive Driver Developpement from zeropointsecurity (link here). I recommend following it,...

Escalate privileges with RemotePotato

Reading Time: 3 minutesGithub repo for the tool of Antonio Cocomazzi @splinter_code and Andrea Pierini @decoder_it : Potato what ? In the last few years, we saw tools likes RottenPotato, RottenPotatoN, SweetPotato, Juicy...