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Right-To-Left-Override is a way to trick Windows users into thinking that the file they are looking at has another extension.

Many extensions are more dangerous than other. To name a few ones like :

  • .exe
  • .bat
  • .cmd
  • .com
  • .lnk
  • .pif
  • .scr
  • .vb
  • .vbe
  • .vbs
  • .wsh

The trick is to use a special character called the Right-To-Left Override ( U+202E ).

It will basically start writing back to front order of letters.

Example we can transform normal_.exe into normal_exe.pdf

  1. Open up the windows character Map (charmap.exe) and look for character U+202E. Copy it to clipboard.
  1. Select a file
  2. Right click Rename
  3. Place the cursor like on picture below just before the dot
  4. Paste the special character
  5. type in the three letters f d p
  6. et voilà

The OS still know it’s an application (you can see on the right) but it looks like a pdf extension to me.

Change the icon of the file, et voilà :

Now if the user clicks on the file, as it is an exe file, it will be executed.


If Windows Defender sees this character in the filename of an application or some other specific types, it will flag it as Trojan:Win32/Artoelo.B !!!

Today the cat has won 😉 but other AV’s are not flagging this up still