Metasploit valid URL checksum8 ?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteFollowing the really interesting article of Tek : Where he described how to get a valid URL for CobaltStrike, I tried to check if it was the same for...

IOC Vulnerable Drivers

Reading Time: 2 minutesYou can download this CSV file here <==== SHA256NameSignerDescription—————————04A85E359525D662338CAE86C1E59B1D7AA9BD12B920E8067503723DC1E03162ADV64DRV.sys”FUJITSU LIMITED...

Volatility 3

Reading Time: 5 minutesgit clone Then download symbol table packs for the operating systems you need to analyze:


Reading Time: 4 minutesMSF (Metasploit) version 6. Network possible detection ? OJ ( @TheColonial ) is a clever guy and a main contributor to the open source project of Metasploit. One of MSF6’s goal is to get rid of Strings in order to fly even lower … so close to...

WSUS attacks

Reading Time: < 1 minuteto check if a Win domain is a possible candidate to a MITM WSUS attack check reg query HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /v WUServer (requires a MITM attack for ex. with bettercap)...